The Ultimate Social Media Image, Video and Post Size Guide [Infographic]

An infographic reference to social media image, video and post resolutions for major social media outlets. Get your post size right!

The Ultimate Social Media Image, Video and Post Size Guide [Infographic]

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When it comes time to upload images to the various social media networks, most people just grab their image and throw it up there.  While this often works, just as often it can result in issues where the image isn’t cropped properly, has details covered by overlapping elements, or just doesn’t share properly in feeds.  Determining the proper image post size for destinations such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are crucial to ensuring that your social media branding is tight and cohesive.

So, what is the proper post size for Facebook images?  What is the correct Twitter header image resolution?  What is the best image size and dimensions for uploading to Instagram?  And if you’re really adventurous, what is the image size and resolution for a Snapchat geofilter?

Thankfully, those talented folks over at Spreadfast put together a most excellent infographic outlining all of the useful post sizes for the major social media outlets.  Whether you’re creating your branding graphics for headers and profile photos, or ensuring that all of your content is sharing without cutting features off, this is definitely a must-have resource.

The Ultimate Social Media Image, Video and Post Size Guide [Infographic]

Post size quick-reference

All dimensions below are in pixels, width x height (compiled by HubSpot).


  • Cover image: 828 x 315
  • Profile image: ≥180 x 180
  • Shared image: 1200 x 900
  • Shared link preview image: 1200 x 628


  • Header image: 1500 x 500
  • Profile image: 400 x 400
  • Timeline image: 506 x 253


  • Profile image: 250 x 250
  • Cover image: 1080 x 608
  • Shared image: 506 pixels wide
  • Shared video: ≥506 x 284
  • Shared link image thumbnail: 150 x 150


  • Profile image: 110 x 110
  • Image thumbnail: 161 x 161
  • Shared images: 1080 x 1080
  • Shared videos: 1080 pixels wide

Pinterest Image Sizes

  • Profile image: 180 x 180
  • Board cover image: 214 x 100
  • Pin preview: 238 pixels wide


  • Banner image: 1850 x 200
  • Profile image: 400 x 400
  • Cover image: 1536 x 768
  • Shared image: 350 pixels wide
  • Shared link preview: 180 x 110
  • Logo image: 400 x 400


  • Channel cover images: Varies by viewing platform
  • Channel icon: 800 x 800
  • Video thumbnail: 1280 x 720


  • Profile image: 128 x 128
  • Image post: 500 x 750 | 1280 x 1920 maximum


  • Geofilter: 1080 x 1920

Lou Wheeler is a musician, photographer, tech enthusiast and IT professional from Sacramento, CA, with experience in a wide array of technical and creative areas, including music production, light design work, photo/video for bands and management, video creation, and has a general love for creative technology.

He can currently be found working on too many projects at once and spending time with his wife and two cats, exploring new places to eat, and occasionally getting out to disc golf.

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